
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


so, tomorrow is thanksgiving. i say it's my favorite day of the year. i think i say this because the t-giving meal my mom makes is my favorite food of ALL TIME. and because it is the beginning of the wonderful christmas season. anyway... tomorrow will be the second thanksgiving i've spent away from my family in my whole life. the other being when i was at bible school in england. i will definitely be sad. no thanksgiving parade watching with my sissy, liz, who loves it more than anyone, i really believe. no pajama cooking time in the morning and having everyone take a shift to go shower and get ready as food time gets closer. we are going to josh and joy's house which i am excited for! me and joy are making everything, so here goes nothing. it surely won't be the same. luckily, my 2 little munchkins distract me from any possible emotion with their energy and constant need for attention/correction, so i won't probably feel sad during the day. but i can feel it now. and it just makes christmas coming that much sweeter. plus, my mom is making her thanksgiving dinner for christmas eve, SO that is surely something to be thankful for :)
audrey has been sick AGAIN this week. she had another breathing "episode" on monday and we were able to get right in and see the doctor. she put audrey on prednisone and we're continuing her breathing treatments. she's been doing much better today, thankfully. she has been so funny lately. she has a few baby dolls. 2 in particular, she's really become attached to. she carries them all over the house all day long. one in each arm. she has a blanket that is "their" blanket and a little toy bottle. she is such a mini-mama. her other favorite thing to do for them is wipe their faces. she gets the pack of wipes and pulls some out and cleans them all up. it is so fascinating to watch her care for her babies. everywhere we go: the Y, church, bible study, a play date, she spots all the dollys in the room and picks one for the day that she will take care of. it makes me wonder how this quality in her will develop as she gets older. i really hope this means she will extra love her baby brother or sister who will join us before we know it! i try and show her how to hold the baby dolls and give them their "milk" and cover them up, etc. really it's my secret plot to make her into a great helper! lol! we all know i will need one :)

well, i truly hope you have a super wonderful day tomorrow! if you are related to me, know i will be thinking about you and would love to be with you. love love.

nighty night. lots to do in the mornin'.


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