
Thursday, August 9, 2012

confession thurs

confession thursday: i don't have anything this week. BOO! stone her! throw those tomatoes and potatoes and whatever else village people in the movies had on hand to throw at people. 

well, there is one thing. jake encouraged me to confess this, but i am reluctant. because it's pretty bad. and embarrassing. and shameful. and bad. baaaaaad. now you really wanna know. i suppose i will just let it out. and i'm sure i will be judged. and i will accept it. 
remember that relationship with red robin i wrote about last night... well, we love red robin, okay! we do.... so, jake and i have, ahem, stolen 3 or possibly 4 bottles of red robin seasoning. 

I KNOW! that's really bad. why not just pay for it you cheap, stealer people? i know. the truth is, i don't know we didn't just buy it. i think one time we just brought some home with us and we just kept doing it. the seasoning is great to have around and really makes potatoes taste good. i highly recommend buying some next time you're there. LOL! as i write this, i do know it is stealing and i feel guilty. so maybe i should go to RR and give them $10. or write a letter. or just never, never do it again. well that one, yeah i def need to do. 

it feels kind of good to get that confession out. at least i am now held accountable. 

whose idea was this confession thursday thing? keep these things to yo-self meredith! 
i'm gonna get myself in trouble.

you guys, i hope you are doing well and enjoying the little things. thanks for reading. and please know, this is in good fun, but i do know stealing is wrong. we did get robbed for goodness sake! hope you know where my heart's at.

love to you.



  1. are you justifying your act of stealing by the fact that someone also broke into your house and stole from you? Because I don't think that makes it okay, Meredith. But I love you. Steal some for me next time you're there for free okay? thanks!


  2. And i don't think stealing means that you get your house broken into... just saying.

  3. i know that! i was just saying i know that stealing is wrong and i've personally felt the affect of it. that's all. :) thanks sis and bro for reading and inputing. love y'all.

  4. I think it's okay. Red Robin probably benefits, in the end, of you coming back to eat their food and only to steal some seasoning. It's not like you break in in the middle of the night to get their seasoning. I wouldn't sweat it. It's doesn't look like their going under... :)
