
Thursday, August 23, 2012

confession session

for those of you that know me, you know i am a major diet coke fan. this is not the confession. i just wanted to make that clear. i heart diet coke. like, so much. i know, i am basically poisoning my body. it hurts so good. hahahaha! anyway, meredith + diet coke = happiness. there, ya get it. i love it.

so here's where the confession part comes in... 

i love having diet coke in cans at my house. an ice cold diet coke right out of the fridge is the best. can i get an amen, Vanessa Eisenzimmer?! (she's my dear friend who also completely loves diet coke in all it's forms). we are stronger friends because of this bond. 
back on track... so i buy cans to have at home. not 2 liters, totally not the same, and they go flat in like 3 seconds. they might be cheaper, but still not worth it. so on average, i spend $6 a month to have diet coke at my house. and i only drink one a day, at dinner. occasionally i don't drink one from the house so i would say a 24 pack from walmart that is $6, does me pretty good. now, $6 a month for such a joy and pleasure in my life seems worth it. i know. here's what i've spent 3 years now trying to confess to you:

i never finish a whole can of diet coke.

silence falls over the internet. what is this girl talking about? she just spent 3 years describing her love for diet coke and how happy it makes her and the financial investment it costs her family and she doesn't even drink the whole thing?!? what is her d-e-a-l? 

i feel the same way. about myself. here's the thing. i can't drink the last bit of it. just can't do it. i am the exact same way with beer. i really like beer. lots of beers. but by the time i get to having about 1/2- 1 inch left in the bottle or can, i can't finish it. it gets warm and i just can't. or don't really. 

i guess what i feel the need to confess is i buy these packs of diet coke and depend on them, but i don't even drink a whole can. if i added up the amount i pour out of each can, i would say it would take 5 cans to make one whole can. so, i'm throwing away 1/5 each time. 

it's okay though. because that diet coke fix is glorious and i look forward to it. even if i never, ever finish a whole can. 

thanks for listening. and reading. 

i wanted to share a few pics from this walk jake and i did with the kids at a nearby park/greenway. it is a really cool place. enjoy!

love you guys. hope all is well.



  1. I am totally the same way with Cherry Coke. And, I was JUST TODAY thinking about how I also leave a "drip" at the bottom. Or if it happens to be that I am drinking out of a dreaded plastic container, I try to drink it really fast so it doesn't go flat. Which totally defeats the purpose of it being cheaper. :)

  2. the kids look huge! You look beautiful. Love these. :) I am NOT a diet coke fan... I didn't get that gene. Idk

  3. <3

    P.S. I really, REALLy love the pic of you and Audrey and of Audrey and Finely standing on the bar!

  4. love the road with daddy picture :-)
