
Thursday, March 7, 2013

weekend bliss

hey guys. what's happening? please tell. it's gotta be juicier than what we've got goin on. still at the business house. i know. the next supposed move in date is wednesday of next week. we shall see. i had an awesome weekend last weekend. i went to dallas, tx all by my lonesome. my dad turned 60 so all 5 of his kids managed to come into town and surprise him with a big party. everyone who was involved did amazing and it was a jolly good time. i was blessed to be able to spend time with one of my oldest and best friends, ali, and her amazing new baby, caleb. saw another great friend, cristina, and met her youngest baby, zane. we chatted over yummy mexican food about life updates and mommy-ness. i got an amazing pedicure with my 2 sisters and danny, our favorite little bro, sat and chatted while we did that. we all know how bad he really wanted one. i got to see my awesome uncle danny. spent time with my dad and his wife, suzanne. had some yummy tea and taco bueno (the most likely cheapest fast food mexican chain ever, and the BEST), slept in some, saw my big brother and nephew. watched the bachelor with ali's mom and sister who i love with my whole heart (kandy&katie- not the bach). our dear friend katherine, who despises the show, even watched. i ate thai food with two soul friends, katy and allie. we sat and spilled heart aches and joys, a time of encouragement for sure. trip of a lifetime? yes, it was delightful. and just what i needed to endure some more time of waiting for our house to close so we can move in. 
jake did an AMAZING job being mr. mom. he took the kids to the zoo that is an hour and a half away (!), he fed, bathed, clothed, entertained all alone for 3 1/2 days. i even came back to all the laundry clean and put away and my favorite coffee creamer in the fridge :) what a stud. 
as of normal life, we are just truckin along. finley has been saying some really funny things lately, and i mean to write them down so i can share them, but i keep forgetting. he has been starting to say the things i say and try to teach him and uses them against me. last night i was sitting with the kids while they ate dinner and finley had the container of blueberries. i took some to give to audrey and finley says, "you took those from me. that is not a kind heart!" ha. i use that expression a lot when he is being ugly or selfish. and i suppose he thought i was being that way. i had to explain i was just sharing with sister and we definitely do that and that is a kind heart. haha. 
baby3 is cooking away. making me bigger and bigger each day. and of course, sleep is not all night long and the uncomfortableness of the last trimester is in full swing. 9-10ish weeks left. not super sure how i can get much bigger, but stay tuned. it will be quite the site :) we talked about baby names for a long time last night and that was so fun. sadly, this baby is not really named yet, but we have some front runners. it's so fun not knowing who's in there. i just can't wait to get in our new home and start all my nesting! 

i hope to get back to funny mom stories and normal life here on the blog soon. really, i just can't wait for life to be normal again in general. and as soon as it is, we WILL HAVE ANOTHER BABY. no big deal. haha. oh boy, what a life. 
thankful for you and our kind Lord. 

night night. at 7:38 pm. i wish, but could never go to sleep yet. :)

hope all is well with you.

1 comment:

  1. so glad the trip was successful! So glad you had a good time. So glad you are home safe. So glad you have such a stud for a hubby! :_))))))

    love you my sweet mer
