
Sunday, July 15, 2012

tired fish

sheesh. my eyes are heavy tonight. i've woken up so sleepy the past 2 days. more than my normal tired :) ha! we've had 2 eventful mornings in a row involving audrey and poop and a bath... enough said. what's been goin on... hmm... i guess i'll give a bullet point update. who doesn't love bullet points!
  • jake and i started watching 24. many have told us it will take over our lives... we aren't super hooked yet, but only 5 episodes in, so i'll keep ya posted. 
  • let's see, what's finley up to... he's getting tall! growing, growing. whenever we go anywhere in the car and he thinks we're going home, he says over and over, "no go home." he pretty much just says no to EVERYTHING these days. it's really funny when we say, "finley, do you want a cookie?" "NO!" pause.... "YES!" ha! he loves coloring and swimming. in the bath tub he always says, "i'm a fish!" he's a good boy. 
  • audrey is really into reading books right now. it's the cutest. and, i know i'm her mom, but i think she's a genius. she kinda, sorta sings the ABC's! she's 15 months old, people! she tries to sing along, at least. and now when jake takes her picture she poses! and says "eeese". i mean, she's just melt your heart cute. 
  • i'm currently eating too many peanut m&m's.
  • i went to old navy today and really needed my mom and sisters there! i'm a really horrible shopper on my own. i don't have the motivation to try on clothes, or something. my sister katie found my wedding dress. my mom found my prom dress and countless other things and liz, well, liz would dress me if she could. she bought me flats and a belt at target one time and they are the most stylish things i own. i felt helpless. 
  •  i want iced coffee EVERY afternoon after nap time. this is a serious problem. both financially and healthily. too.much.coffee.and.cream! but i just looooove it. and it gets me through my afternoon....... thank you dunkin donuts for being right up the street and having caramel flavoring. maybe i should not be thanking you.
  • i think i'm gonna drink some wine and hit the hay. because, i mean, i've been extra tired lately. probably because even when i'm tired, i DON'T GO TO BED!
hope all is well in your world. 



 i mean, look at that face!

 "i'm a fish!"



  1. oh my gosh those pictures make me want to come visit those little monsters --errr-- children of yours!

    I miss you guys so much,

    Love you!


  2. These are awesome. You are so stylish bear! Gees. And I love the little green bathingsuit she's got on...

    Love Katie

  3. isn't that suit the cutest?!? i love it. good pick. danny and katie!! COME VISIT ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. This may not be, ultimately, very helpful to you, but from one iced coffee lover to another, did you know that you can get Starbucks Iced Via packets in the grocery store...regular or caramel?! They are overpriced, but if I have those and use my grocery store half and half, I feel like I'm saving money! Maybe I should do the math??? Oh and if you do try it, I use a small baby bottle to put the via and a little water in and then shake it like crazy. Then I add more water, ice and cream. The shaking is very necessary to not have yucky, gritty coffee! :) <3
