
Sunday, May 27, 2012


you guys, i won this award. it's m.o.t.y. or mother of the year. true dat. and here's why...

remember that teething monster i had.... well.... she actually had this thing called hand-foot-and-mouth. yes. those horrible, i mean really bad, 3 days we had last week were due to that loser of a virus. how do i know, you ask? BECAUSE FINLEY GOT THE SAME THING! 

sunday, monday, and tuesday, audrey was a mess. wednesday she was a bit better and had this rash all over her legs. i just assumed it was from teething. thursday morning, finley started acting funny. laying on the floor. for like hours. if you know him, you know this is quite weird. he watched several tv shows in a row. he was an all american couch potato. that night he got a fever. a good one. about 101.4. that night he woke up multiple times in his sleep calling out for me. friday he barely moved. the whole day. that fever was holding on and he was about 100 all day long. it's the sickest he's ever been. he hasn't been sick much in his life so it was super weird to see him like that. he woke up LOTS of times that night. my hero, jake, got up all night with him. every time i would go in he would just cry and not let me leave. yesterday he wakes up and his fever is gone and what else??.... the EXACT same rash all over his hands and legs that audrey has. i asked my friend, renee, about his fever and gave me the idea that it could be h-f-a-m. indeed, it is so. 

now, i felt slightly guilty about blaming audrey's extreme and obvious discomfort on her gums. mostly because i smothered them in orajel. her gums that probably weren't hurting. oh well. can't win em all. it is one of those viruses that you don't really know what's up until they get the rash that happens at the end of it. 

however, the lovely, beautiful, bright and shining silver linging of it all... jake and i had an unexpected date night last night!!! glory, hallelujah. boy, did i need that. being cooped up in the house all week with sick kids did me in. there was a morning wedding yesterday, so he was off work at 5 and this girl who works for the business has offered to babysit in the past, so i called her up and she was up for it. holla! we put the kids to bed. i showered and wore real clothes (a major miracle as i wore sweats for 3 days!), and jake and i went to chili's! can't go wrong with that place. i think i ate an entire chips and salsa round on my own. we talked and laughed and made silly videos and just enjoyed the heck out of each other. stopped by walmart for a couple things (including a pint of ben and jerry's "new york super fudge chunk"- holy yum!), and drove around with the windows down. i just had the best time. and i needed it. the Lord knew. i mean, i hadn't had human contact for most of the week and was starting to act like a cave-person. you know, writing hieroglyphics and grunting to communicate.

i am beyond thankful finley has started acting mostly like himself today. and audrey is just as delightful as ever. i am thankful my children are typically healthy and i won't take that for granted! it was a rough week. here's to the next! 

hope all is well with you.


1 comment:

  1. Ah honey--sorry to hear but glad it's over!!! And, your flight drama-rama was tough! Thanks for being gutsy to come! Love and hugs, mom
