
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

gum drama

you guys. my house has been overtaken by... a... teething... monster. little miss has been quite the handful the last few days. poor thing. her world is crashing around her and she has no idea why her mouth is on fire. nor can she tell me what hurts. she's pulling at her ears, has no appetite, and has very interrupted sleep. if i put her down or walk away from her i have single hand-idly ruined her life and she collapses to the ground in complete protest. needless to say, i'm ready for those babies to make an appearance. i don't remember finley being this bad, ever, through the teething process. jake says he was at some points... i guess i just blur it out. it's for my own good, i am sure. because i still want more babies in the future. and if you don't blur out the "icky" stuff (aka LABOR AND BIRTH! hello 46 hours of torture) you simply would only do it once. but they joy and life and love that comes with the wee ones makes it worth it. even in the days and weeks of being a slave to that little person. it's weird how a 13 month old can have so much power over me. but when she's teething, i will snuggle and not clean the house and leave the laundry sitting unfolded on the table (that may or may not happen when everyone's perfectly happy) and just sit on our nice carpet being her slave. because right now, what she wants, goes. you guys i'm telling you, when audrey ain't happy, nobody's happy. so i will sit her on my lap to feed her, for she will not go in her high chair. and i will carry her through the grocery store for how dare i put her in the cart! and i will just hope and pray it passes quickly. i'm guessing this is a picture of the rest of our life with this beautiful, wild, opinionated little girl. pray for me! ha! my mom still claims that i was "dramatic" about most everything growing up. i know, i know she's got to have fabricated some evidence. perhaps i will be able to relate to my baby girl if it turns out we have one thing in common: anything and everything could make or break our world. i hope i will lean towards compassion if so. for now, i'll be on the floor with my children. cause if i move, there will be hell to pay. i love my life.

p.s. finley has officially started singing. talk about heart exploding in joy. it's the sweetest. he sings, "how he loves us". it kind of sounds like he's just yelling, but he's not! haha! oh man do i love that sound. 

hope all is well with you.


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