
Sunday, March 11, 2012

decisions decisions

this is the thing. i've been learning that mothering involves LOTS of decision making. all day long. what will i feed them for breakfast? will we go to the park today? should i take both kids to the store with me?! should we go before or after naps? should finley play with the spices? (always answer no to this one... not worth the mess. seriously.) can he play outside while i'm making lunch? do i need to take them to the doctor for all that snot? should i start weaning audrey? should i let finley jump off that thing...? etc. i'm sure you get the picture. i make decisions all day. some are bigger than others. or have greater possible consequences. 

the thing is, i don't like make decisions! shocking, i know! whenever my dear friend ali and i were in high school and we were gonna go out to a meal or something, it took us FOREVER to decide where to go. i had no idea where to go to college. i always thought between having a career, or being a stay at home mom, i would just do whichever came first. it's a struggle for me. and it takes a lot of effort to make decisions. but it is incredibly important. and the answers to those questions above have an impact on the lives of my babies. and me. so i'm a work in progress. and i am aware how crucial it is that i "get good" at making decisions. luckily, it's thrown in my face all day everyday, so i hope i am improving. 

in other news, my sweet momma sent me a sewing machine!!! yeeeeaaahhhh! i need to get some cheapy fabric to practice on and learn what the heck i'm doing, but it's an important first step in that endeavor. thanks, ma. 

it's the last "normal" week around here... next monday, jake's sister jenny is coming for a few days. can't wait to see her! then my baby brother DANNY is coming all the way from oregon! YAHOO!!! and then wedding season is offically here. yikesies! life will change again! but i'm ready for it. 

finley started saying, "lob u mama"... makes all the hard moments worth it. fo sho. 

night, guys.


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