
Friday, March 16, 2012

boy oh boy

i'm changing up the font tonight. whadya think? i think i like it. 

good news: audrey girl has been sleeping through the night for a couple weeks now... glory, hallelujah! do you hear the angels? i certainly do. this is the weird thing... she's been sleeping all night, which means i've been sleeping a solid 8 hours a night which hasn't happened in over a year and i feel super duper tired. what's with that? and i've been having mad crazy dreams. every night. jake told me that last night in my sleep he was facing the other way, and i leaned over and turned his face towards me and proceeded to punch him in the face!  literally. i punched him! i mean that's pretty weird. i asked jake this morning if i should see a sleep specialitst! ha... because apparently i talk in my sleep every night. he said he thought that was premature and i'm probably okay... what a brave soul. he's the one getting wacked in the face. and listening to me waking up in a panic that audrey is stuck in her high chair or that finley is on top of the refrigerator. so i'll leave it up to him. 

i've been doing pretty good with our meal planning. only diverted from the plan once this week. i think that's pretty good. tonight jake and i had a in home date night consisting of burritos (anytime, anywhere i love em) and we watched the movie "young adult". it was so so. charlize theron is lovely, but the movie was a little odd and had one of those "non-hollywood life is just life in the end" kind of endings. which i like. but because i'm used to "happily ever after" i felt like the story wasn't over. 

we're gonna go to the ymca tomorrow morning with the kids. i LOVE having a membership to the y. i can take fin and aud anytime and drop em off for an hour or two and work out. it is so so so so so so (shall i continue) so wonderful. and they both love going. finley has a really good time. win win, i'd say. 

a few random goals i have lately:

drink more water

eat more vegetables (so cliche, but needed)

run 3 miles without stopping

 finish those darned fruits of the spirit signs (maybe i should read them and absorb... like patience, ha!)

i guess that wraps it up for now. it's late. but i'm still up doing calls. (my part time job i'm very thankful for, but am very unmotivated to do lately. bad girl) and hey, i can blog while making money so i should not complain. ask me about my water intake, ok? i'd appreciate it. you don't have to ask me about the veggies though. hahahaha! 

love to you.



  1. I understand the experience of dreaming about your kids. I still dream about you guys myself.
    Love, Dad

    1. it's crazy isn't it?!?! i dream the weirdest things about them. and you have 5 to keep up with :) love you.

  2. Ha ha! I love that you punched jake! So
    Funny! I bet he was so confused!
