
Sunday, October 7, 2012

lots of germie germs

hey. i'm back in the land of the living. well, i hope so. here's what our week has been like:

  • coming home from the hospital. doing nebulizer treatments at home. lots of vaporizers. our home smelling like vapor rub all day.
  • tuesday night, finley randomly threw up in his bed. like, a lot. cleaned him up. he seemed fine the next day.
  • missed Bible study, for i would not be that mom who brings sick children into the world to infect other innocent babies.
  • missed small group. couldn't let the healthy babysitter come over and possibly catch the greer disease.
  • thursday morning i took audrey to her follow up dr. appointment. doc said her ear infection looked way better, and not much weezing, so we should be in the clear. thank you, Lord.
  • thursday night, audrey throws up in her bed. although, i did not discover this until friday morning... realizing she slept in her vomit all night long. it was caked on her and took 2 baths to rid her of the smell. mixed with vapor rub. yum. too graphic?
  • home again friday for the 5th day in a row. neither child seemed too bothered by the puking, but still weird to me.
  • had a wonderful family night on friday! EASILY THE ONLY highlight of the week. we went to red robin and then to ross and kohl's to get jake some needed new shirts. it was wonderful being out in public and being all together! work has been super busy for jake.
  • THEN the worst happened: late friday night i came down with the worst, most horrible, terrible stomach flu. yes. it was awful. started throwing up friday night and didn't stop for 24 hours. jake had a wedding to work in the morning/afternoon on saturday and since i could not even move, let alone care for anyone, sister joy came to the rescue again! she picked up F&A and took care of them ALL day until jake could pick them up. literally do not know what i would have done without help. all 3 of us would have died. or at least f&a would not have been fed nor dressed nor diapered because i seriously couldn't move. went to bed at 9 last night. finally stopped throwing up. 
  • woke up this morning, jake let me sleep in. blessed soul he is. had that terrible post puking for 24 hours dehydrated headache. yuck. but i'd take it over the previous day. jake had to work in the afternoon and luckily i was feeling better and better as the day went on. made pancakes for dinner. the kids loved it.    
perhaps this is WAY more information then you wanted when you said, "hey i'll check mer's blog" but alas, that has been our life this week. have no idea if the 2 vomit scenarios of the babies are related to my episode, but i'm glad it didn't do much damage for them. i wish the stomach flu on no one. 
SO hopefully, we will be back to normal life this week. going to the Y, Bible study, small group, you know... the things that keep me a sane person. we've all been cooped up too long.

for as long as this week has been, i am thankful these are our trials. many have it much worse. i've committed to serving the high schoolers of our church by being a small group leader. which i am pumped for. last week was supposed to be my first week, but with sick audrey i couldn't make it. then this week, i was out for the count. a little insecure they think i'm flaky :) for real, we're usually not sick. 

in other grand news: LOOK OUT PORTLAND! THE GREER'S ARE COMING FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! :) :) :) 

can't wait to see you. 

night y'all. (btw: last week after the hospital when i said i hope to fall asleep and not wake till morning, i slept the best night of sleep i have in WEEKS) so grateful. 

hope all is well with you. and no stomach flu is in your future.

love to you.



  1. oh my dear--so sorry to hear about your weekend. I knew on Friday that you did not sound like you had any energies! Hope this week is more of the normal chaos that makes the world so interesting! Did you get plane tickets yet? Love y'all gazillions--mom

  2. we did get them! :) i'll send you the itinerary. love.
