
Friday, April 27, 2012

interesting weekend

hey there. what a week, y'all. what a week. 

we started our weekend last sunday. we went to church, had lunch at chipotle, came home and had a normal sunday evening for us. just hanging out, watching FNL. we woke up on monday and went to the Y. we came home. i got audrey out of the car and walked up to the door ready to unlock it, when i realized the door was open. my first thought was, "hmm did we not lock it?" but the door was not even shutting. then i noticed the side trim was off the wall. i thought, "maybe we shut it too hard when we left and it broke the door?!?" i mean, what do i know, obviously. but then i got this really bad feeling. i walked through the kitchen and looked through the doorway to see the blank spot the tv used to sit. then i saw my blank computer desk. i instantly turned around, stepped outside where jake was and said, "jake, we got robbed!" 

he told me to stay outside with the kids. then told me to drive to josh and joy's. so i headed there with the kids. didn't really know how bad it was inside.  he called the police, assessed the damage, etc. they stole several things that mean a lot to us. and unfortunately, we didn't have renter's insurance. the saddest part is, on sunday we were driving home and jake said out of no where, "i need to get renter's insurance tomorrow." it's so disappointing. we worked hard to buy those things they took from us. and we won't be replacing them anytime soon. thankfully, they didn't get jake's camera or our macbook because both were hidden from baby hands :). we are so grateful for this. and sad about the things they did take. it's just a really weird feeling being "robbed". it feels unfair and you just wonder how anyone could go in a stranger's house and just take what doesn't belong to them. i am thankful we are all safe and we weren't home. i imagine you never quite feel the same way in your house, though. i just never thought we would be robbed and now everytime i come home i wonder if the doors are still locked. it's just so crazy to think our stuff is just gone. just out there somewhere. and we probably will never see any of it again. but it's just stuff. and we're trying to keep this perspective. 

in other news, finley has gotten really into coloring. he LOVES sitting on our kitchen table with paper and markers and he is content for a long time. rejoice with me! ha! it's the sweetest thing, though. he names all the colors. he puts the caps on and off all by himself. and he is just so happy while he's coloring. tear, he's growing up. love that kid.
audrey recently started carrying around this babydoll with her, everywhere. she was holding it as i was putting her to bed tonight and i tried to take it from her to her instant disapproval. sooooo i put in bed with her. i knooooow, i know. it was a risk. 
a. because it could have prevented her from going to sleep and
b. because this could become another MUST HAVE everywhere we go. she already is dramatically attached to her pink blankey that we cart all over this crazy city.  
but it's sooo cute. it's really cute the way she crawls around with it and holds it by it's little plastic hand. i'll keep you updated on the level of attachment this decision will cause. 

so, we were robbed. and our life goes on. a little less entertainment in the house and we will miss some things that are sentimental to us. but we will carry on. i mean, what else would we do? here's to a less dramatic week ahead. 

oh, wait... i leave for portland on TUESDAY!!!!!!!! and i am sure that will be dramatic all on it's own. here's to children's benadryl. 

night, night.


1 comment:

  1. big day tomorrow. Love you sister! I'll see you this weekend!

