
Monday, June 18, 2012

quite the day

okay y'all. ready for another unbelievable kid story? i thought so.

so yesterday was father's day! yay! happy day to my wonderful husband/baby daddy who is my other half and i love so very much. and to my dad, and stepdad! gotta love dads. 
anyway, for said father's day, joy, ashton and i gave our husbands the gift of the day off and they went and played disc golf.  i mean, what a gift! they love being together and throwing frisbees at trees, and it was a free gift, so everybody wins. 

exceeeeeept for maybe.... me. hahahaha! let me tell you what happened on this sunday afternoon unlike any other. my dear, sweet, non-dramatic whatsoever daughter, audrey, has had a cold. and yesterday she simply felt miserable. and i felt so bad for her. her eyes were all puffy, snotting (is that a verb) constantly, and a fever. booooo, audrey. she took a very short, short nap. finley did not sleep either, and i for some reason let him have a little bit of mountain dew. please, tell me NEVER to give my 2 year old mtn. dew EVER again. but i mean, it was really only a little bit.....
nap time, if you can call it that, was over. i planned on making choco chip cookies for our father's day dessert and i knew with sick audrey at my feet i could get nothing done. so, i had the bright idea to put her high chair outside and sit her there with a popsicle . i can leave the back door open and see right outside from the kitchen so it was safe, of course. finley was being oh, so helpful in the making cookies endeavor. he was even pouring out my whole box of baking soda onto the counter and mixing the flour, sugar, and brown sugar in my canisters. what a guy. i can rent him out if you need a helper.
audrey is intermittently crying/drooling/covering herself in popsicle. i managed to get one batch of cookies in the oven. finley realizes the door of freedom is open and he runs outside. audrey is no longer content in her high chair so i move her to the swing set where there is a baby swing. that lasts about 2 minutes. but in those 2 minutes, finley pulls out the kiddie pool... well, rolls it over and asks to get in. for some reason, i think this is a great idea... audrey is one life-sized red popsicle and i sure don't want to touch her so i'll just put em both in the pool. great. except, when audrey is perfectly healthy she HATES the kiddie pool. and in case you were wondering, when she's sick, she REALLY hates the kiddie pool. i had the hose on filling it up and audrey was going no where near the thing. finley is in heaven and has already taken his clothes and diaper off. audrey won't get off my hip and is clinging for dear life. like i said, she's soooo sticky and now dirt is sticking to her. she's screaming and so miserable. so then i think, i'll go put her in the bath without water for a sec. i run her inside and set her in the bath so i can go get finley inside. as i'm walking back out, i hear a thump, and then her cry is getting louder as i realize she jumped out of the tub and is walking towards the back door. i have to tear finley away from his ultimate happiness, which did not go over well. drag him inside, lock the door. meanwhile the cookie timer has been going off for far too long so i get those out. go back to getting audrey in the bath. i hear the chair moving sound in the kitchen and i know it's gotta be finley. i get audrey clean in record time, pull her out of the bath, and run to see what finley's into. he's gotten all the cookies down off the counter and put them on the kitchen table and it sitting on top of the table eating them. he's still naked, bytheway, and he says, "hey, mama, hey! cooodies!" (cookies). i mean, how could i be mad about that?!? but i take the cookies away, again, ripping away his ultimate happiness. what a mom. audrey is walking around naked, crying miserably. she peed on the carpet. i get her dressed. snuggle her some. finley is running around the house like a crazy person (note the mtn. dew). the cookie timer goes off again! who's idea was it to make cookies!?!? i really want audrey to eat some food, but remember that nasty, sticky high chair outside? so i decide to give them grilled cheese and green beans on the floor of the living room. leaving the green bean can out. oops. those get all over as finley pours them back and forth from bowl to can. 

i was sweating. i was overwhelmed. i just sat down. watched backyardigans. and took a deep breath. we made it. the rest of the night was still crazy, but the moment of insanity had passed. how thankful i was. 

needless to say, when jake walked in the door, i was very, very grateful my kids have a father and i have a partner. and i was glad he had a great time with his brothers. 

i slept really good last night.

hope you guys are doing well.


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